Abdullah Almaatouq, Peter Krafft, Yarrow Dunham, David G. Rand, and Alex Pentland (2019). Social Psychological and Personality Science. 1-9
Abdullah Almaatouq, Peter Krafft, Yarrow Dunham, David G. Rand, and Alex Pentland (2019). Social Psychological and Personality Science. 1-9
Antonio A. Arechar, Gordon Kraft-Todd, and David G. Rand (2017). Journal of the Economic Science Association. 3(1), 1-11
David G. Rand, Alexander Peysakhovich, Gordon T. Kraft-Todd, George E. Newman, Owen Wurzbacher, Martin A. Nowak, Joshua D. Greene (2014). Nature Communications 5: 3677. [Data and code]
Thomas Pfeiffer, Xi Alice Gao, Andrew Mao, Yiling Chen, and David Rand (2012). Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12)
Ofra Amir, David Rand, Ya'akov Kobi Gal (2012). PLOS ONE 7, e31461. [Data and code]
David Rand (2012). Journal of Theoretical Biology 299, 172–179
John J. Horton, David Rand, Richard J. Zeckhauser (2011). Experimental Economics 14, 399–425